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Trusts and Estates

HM Revenue & Customs Trust & Estate Online Services launched

With very little in the way of fanfare or publication, HMRC launched its new online trust and estate services at the end of July 2017 which you should be aware of in case you act as a trustee or executor.

What are the new services?

The online services are intended to meet requirements placed on HMRC, trustees and executors by anti-money laundering legislation that came into force in June 2017 which attempts to make arrangements such as trusts slightly more transparent.

HMRC have announced that the register will not be publicly available and will only be accessible by HMRC and law enforcement agencies when they request details from HMRC.

What information is collected?

New or existing trusts and complex estates will need to be included on the register in any tax year when there is a UK ‘tax consequence’ – which is broadly whenever the trust or estate becomes liable to pay tax.

Whether that tax is Income Tax, Capital Gains Tax, Inheritance Tax, Stamp Duty Land Tax or Stamp Duty Reserve Tax, the trustees or executors will need to register the trust or estate and provide information, including:-

  • The trust or estate name, contact address and telephone number.
  • Details of the laws and country of administration of the trust if these are outside the UK.
  • Information such as name, date of birth and National Insurance number for the deceased in the case of estates or the settlor, trustees and beneficiaries for trusts.
  • The type of assets in the trust and their monetary value.

When do trusts and estates need to be registered?

If a trust or estate has a UK tax consequence it will need to register by 5 October following the tax year in which the trust or estate is created.

The online services can be accessed via the GOV.UK website using a Government Gateway   account which will need to be created if the trust or estate does not already have one.


How can Ward Goodman help?

If you act as a trustee or executor and would like any further help or guidance with the       registration process, please call 01202 875 900 and speak with either Bryn Holloway or Ross Adams in our Private Client team.

01747 835435

Or visit

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Paris remains ‘En Pointe’ after 25 years

For twenty-five years Miss Paris has taught Dance in Shaftesbury and the surrounds. When she first arrived here in 1992, from London by way of California, Australia and Mauritius, it was to settle her daughter Geneviève into Port Regis School.

Paris had started her performing and teaching career in London in 1976, and had not stopped since. Her first ‘engagements’ here were with Motcombe Grange School and Flying Start Nursery where she took and passed their required NVQ’s and generally increased her qualifications and experience of the UK rules and regulations of working with small children.

Then she introduced Dance to Port Regis School in 1993. “I started with only four girls in one Ballet class once a week. Within the first term the popularity grew to such an extent that I had 65 students attending Ballet, Tap and Jazz”. But this was only part-time and so Paris found time to be the peripatetic Dance teacher for St Mary’s, Sherborne Prep and Knighton House Schools as well.

Paris had already achieved her goal of being the “Owner, principal and senior instructor of a multi-genre studio” in Sydney, Australia between 1981 and 1990; so, she did it again here in Shaftesbury with her Paris Helen School of Dance, in brand new premises on the Wincombe Business Park. In the last week of painting and decorating the studio Paris and Geneviève were dancing together when the phone rang. Paris twisted around and… snapped a bone in her foot. Her grand opening was made horribly frustrating with a cast on her foot, but her students and parents were wonderfully enthusiastic and, quite literally, carried Paris through that first term.

She sold her business in 2010, but continued to teach at Knighton House, Bryanston and Clayesmore Schools; and her ever popular adult ballet and exercise classes.

CSSYD – 2016

So, what is it that Paris teaches? Well, firstly, she is a member of the ISTD (Imperial Society for Teachers of Dancing), and it is the Cecchetti method of teaching Ballet that is the cornerstone of her portfolio. Out of this experience she has designed and developed her own programs for teaching very young children how to develop their physicality and musicality, through the exam syllabus of the ISTD for young students to learn and appreciate Ballet both as recreation and vocational training. Indeed, many of her students have gone on to become performers and teachers. Then expanding on the traditional Ballet class to teach remedial exercise and her own ‘Classical Ballet Workout’ for adults; and right through to her ‘Chair Ballet’ for the retired residents of some of our local Residential and Care Homes.

So, it really doesn’t matter about your age or ability. If you love dance then ‘Miss Paris’ should be your first call. Contact 07710 420487 or email

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“Moving Gardens” – by Rik Lonsdale

It was difficult to leave, but Barbara had no choice. The removal van was laden with their furniture, the car packed with the essentials of kettle, tea and emergency rations. Dennis was waiting, but she had to take a last walk around the garden.

The garden was a history of their time together in the house. The Bramley at the bottom, planted when they first moved in, towered above the fences, sheds and lesser trees of neighbouring gardens. The two lilacs, commemorating the births of their children, were as strong, sturdy and mature as Barbara’s own son and daughter. She paused at each commemorative plant, remembering why it had been planted. She remembered trips to the garden centre with her children to choose markers for the pets they once had. Bernie, the Dachshund, Frodo, the tortoiseshell, hamsters, guinea pigs, all had a special shrub.

The rose garden, started when grandchildren began to arrive, now had five rose bushes. Barbara smelled each one in turn for what would be the last time.

Dennis came up behind her and gave a quiet cough. He knew how difficult it was to leave their home of forty-two years, but they could no longer manage the large garden and rather than see it overgrown they had sold the house.

‘Oh! Dennis, I’m going to miss this so much,’ said Barbara, brushing away a tear.

‘I will too, but we have to go, and if we don’t leave soon the removal men will be in Gillingham before us,’ said Dennis.

Their new home was just that, a newly built bungalow, with a much smaller garden. Although the house had everything you could wish for inside, the garden was bland concrete paths and straight edged lawns. Soulless was Barbara’s instant judgement. But there was no turning back.

They spent the next day unpacking and moving in. Barbara was exhausted. On the following day Dennis asked Barbara to sit by the front window.

‘I’m expecting a delivery and you know what these new developments are like, the driver might miss us. I’ll be in the back sorting my tools, just give me a call when he arrives,’ said Dennis.

It was an hour later when the lorry came slowly down the road. Barbara was lost in her book when she saw it. She rushed into the back garden to find Dennis digging a hole in the lawn.

‘What are you doing, Dennis?’ she said, then quietly, ‘your delivery’s here.’

‘Good, come and give me a hand.’

Of course, Barbara didn’t need to lend a hand. The friendly people from Orchard Park unloaded what must have been the biggest Cherry Tree they had, and trolleyed it around to the back of the bungalow. They even helped Dennis site it in the hole he’d dug.

‘After all,’ said Dennis after the lorry had left and they were admiring the magnificent tree, ‘this is a special occasion!’ They enjoyed its blossom together for many years.



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A weekend in the life of Mayor of Gillingham

A weekend in the life of new Mayor of Gillingham Councillor Belinda Ridout

Over the weekend of 23rd/24/25th June new Mayor Belinda found herself very busy attending  firstly The Fun Palace event at Gillingham Library, where they got her in a paddling pool of  washing up liquid to make a bubble that comes right over you. The bubble didn’t quite work but she came out with squeaky clean feet and created some artwork in river mud!

She returned to the Library on the Saturday morning to meet Mark and Vrag, Digital Champions, who are at the library every Saturday between 10am and 12noon, to help anyone with computer problems for free.

It was only a stones throw to Gillingham Primary School fete at 11am where the Mayor welcomed everyone and was introduced to a very talented young magician, Ruben, had a python wrapped around her and had a go at “Quidditch”.


A touch of magic to transport her onto the St Mary’s Church fete, where she tucked into a very nice snake sweet.

Finally it came to the opening of Little Gems, the new nursery on the Brickfields Industrial Estate.

That was enough for one weekend especially as earlier that week the Mayor had attended the presentation of £250 from the Lions Club of Shaftesbury and Mere to Hipp Bones.

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Are you looking to play rugby locally?

North Dorset Rugby Club, situated on the outskirts of Gillingham at Slaughtergate, is actively encouraging new membership of players of all ages & abilities.

The club is looking to recruit new players who have moved to the area or are looking to do a team sport. Perhaps you would love to play a game of rugby either on a regular basis or even just the occasional game . Maybe you played as a Mini or Youth, gave up the game for a while but feel like getting out on the pitch to play the ‘oval’ ball game again.

North Dorset RFC, at present, fields three Senior sides, competing in Southern Counties South, Dorset & Wilts (South) and Dorset & Wilts 3 (South) along with an occasional Veteran Team.

The Club was founded in 1951, with the original Clubhouse and changing rooms in Gillingham behind the Phoenix Hotel in South Street. These moved to the Slaughtergate site in 1993.

Bringing us up to date, the Club has, over the past year, acquired the neighbouring 8 ½ acres field, and is in the process of re-seeding and preparing the ground for an   extra full size playing pitch, youth pitch, training ground and much needed additional car parking space, making the grounds approximately 20 acres.

The Club offers a friendly welcome to all. Rugby is played at North Dorset from all ages, Under 6’s – through to the three Senior sides and the Vets.

Along with actively looking for senior players, the club welcomes boys & girls looking to play rugby between the ages of 6 to 13 Years, on Sunday mornings. Children start by playing non-contact touch rugby to learn the basic skills. Together with the minis, we have Youth and Girls rugby, again training, having interclub matches, & competitions on a Sunday morning along with extra training nights during the week. Finally, we have two Colts teams, U17’s & U18’s playing interclub games and integrating into the adult teams. The Club offers players the opportunity to learn, train and play rugby with in house qualified coaches up to National Level 3.

Playing rugby is a great opportunity to make new friends, watch and support local rugby, enjoy the Club House facilities and numerous social events throughout the year .

The club very much considers itself a family club, with members of two or even three generations having all played up at North Dorset.

For more details please contact:

Club Captain, Dave Stickland 07826 855056 or Director of Rugby, Greg Pearce 01747 822830 or email

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The Cinema Club

Everybody loves going to the cinema. We enjoy the film, the popcorn, the big screen experience and doing all of that with our friends. We don’t all necessarily enjoy the cost though. Someone has to drive to the cinema, then there’s the tickets and if you can’t sneak your treats in, you have to pay for them as well – and they aren’t cheap either.

The Cinema Club is part of Platform UK Events Group, which means one thing, we are dedicated to bringing you something, wherever you are. Our vision is to be the topic of your conversations you have on your group chat that start with:

“What shall we do this weekend?”

We want the conversation to start with:

“What’s Platform got on this weekend?”

Not because we want to rule the market, but because we want to bring you events you can trust to deliver. Bring you events that you will talk about all of the next week. We want to be the go to event with your friends.

So, The Cinema Club itself is a pop-up cinema, with a bar, snack station, and local food traders. We will operate all year round, in all kinds of venues. Each event we deliver we will bring something new; whether it’s a different cocktail, different food traders or different ticket options – not just a different film or location. It’s a different experience.

To kick this off, we’re bringing you two classic British films. Not everyone has the same taste in films, and we aren’t for a second going to pretend you do. We won’t try to feed you a common, generic film to try and fill the seats. What we’re going to do is bring you something different, something unique to where you live, and something special. Our focus is to make you go to work on Monday morning, or to your local the next day, or just simply tell your friends, how much you enjoyed yourself coming to our event.

Our first event is taking place at North Dorset Rugby Club, and we are showing Snatch. A Guy Richie film starring Brad Pitt and Jason Statham, a British crime comedy film all about “za stone”..!       Released in the year 2000, it’s likely to have stayed on your shelf since then – let alone seeing it on a big screen! The second is a screening of the original The Italian Job, starring a young Michael Caine and released in 1969. If you don’t know the storyline then you definitely, need to come. It’s almost guaranteed that everyone who know the film will be there to relive the first time they saw it! We are also offering some limited drive in tickets for this one, so it’s time to dust off the Morgan (or mini) for a chance to win a bottle of champagne at this event for the best car!

So, to summarise, you can’t miss out. To find out more information, we will be releasing EVEN MORE information on our Facebook page and website. Find us on Facebook or Instagram ( or visit our website –

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Why you should be planning for the future

On 4th May, NatWest Bank brought together Leading Chartered Accountants and Independent Financial Advisers Ward Goodman and Specialist Local Law firm Farnfields Solicitors, to host their first joint, topical seminar in Shaftesbury. The informal seminar included presentations, lunch and a chance to chat to the experts, and centred on planning for the future and discussing important legacy topics.

Patrick Kennedy from Canada Life opened the presentation with a very informative talk highlighting the importance of Inheritance Tax planning to minimise tax liability and the earlier this is done the further the benefit is maximised.

Elizabeth Neame, Senior Associate Solicitor from Farnfields Solicitors gave a very thought-provoking talk on wills, power of attorneys, bank of Mum and Dad and digital assets. Everyone in the room went away considering things they had never thought of before, in particular, what happens to information stored via your digital devices after you die?

Experienced Independent Financial Adviser Adrian Seager from Ward Goodman, closed the morning with a talk on Equity Release mortgages. At one time un-regulated and a very expensive way to release equity in your home, but nowadays a very viable option for anyone wanting to raise capital from their asset.

The event was heralded a great success by those that attended, all having found the event very useful, especially the collaboration of the bank, solicitors, accountants and financial planners; meaning they were in one room to get questions answered.

If you would like information on any of the above issues or if you would like to speak with a specialist adviser, please give Ward Goodman a call on 01747 835435 to arrange a no-obligation free initial meeting, or pop into the Shaftesbury office without an appointment when our advisers will be waiting to meet you as part of our ongoing ‘Financial Friday’ drop ins.

Ward Goodman will continue to offer seminars in Shaftesbury, so please get in touch if there is any topic you would like covered next time. For details of future Ward Goodman seminars and services, see

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North Dorset Business Group


The recent meeting of North Dorset Business Group (NDBG) was a visit to the newly opened museum and shop/café in Mere for a talk by Hillbrush Company owner Philip Coward. The company has been successfully making brushes since 1922 and is truly a family affair with four generations at the helm.

Members of NDBG went on to the Walnut Tree in town for a meal and presentation to Philippa Turnbull (Software Matters) who after many years is stepping down as Chairman from the group. Philippa has helped the group survive the demise of Ruralnet and develop strong links with the Wiltshire Rural Business Group. She has seen the membership go up attracting up to 25 members, as were present at the Hillbrush Company, at some meetings.

Genette Gale (Rutters Solicitors) thanked her for her dedication, inspiring speakers and in depth business knowledge over the last few years. Although Philippa is stepping down she promises to still be around to advise and support the group in the future.   The role of Chair will now be divided between Genette Gale, Graham May (May Creations), Alison Naylor (Garden Solutions) and Fran Hill (Vale Secretarial) who will work together to build on Philippa’s hard work.

North Dorset Business Group is a group for any businesses in North Dorset and the surrounding area (including into Somerset and Wiltshire), that meets monthly to share information and learn from each other as well as informal networking.  The emphasis is on peer-to-peer learning and support and with no hard selling and no harassment. There are no membership costs and no direct costs for attending – you just pay for any food and/or drink you want to buy.    You can also keep up with things by joining our “North Dorset Business Group” group on LinkedIn or our Facebook page. Alternatively, you can be added to the monthly invite list by emailing


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Music at GMC 1st July

Lovers of popular classical music should add Saturday 1st July to their diaries and prepare to be amazed when an audio-visual spectacular show featuring star organist David Briggs and a host of special effects including pyrotechnics, lights, smoke and lasers returns to Gillingham Methodist Church (GMC).

Presented by the Music at GMC team, the evening promises to be a classical spectacular as would normally only be staged in London venues.

Music at GMC organiser Gordon Amery explains: “Our aim is to bring top quality music to Gillingham and the surrounding area by inviting musicians to come and perform for us. We have previously hosted performers from all over the world and look forward to welcoming renowned concert organist David Briggs to play for us on 1st July. This will be a wonderful opportunity to hear popular classics played on Gillingham’s historic, heritage restored Sweetland organ, in a setting featuring lasers, pyrotechnics and indoor fireworks, staged by Lyndon Ford. We held similar events in 2015 & 2016 but we have increased the effects budget again this year so it should be even bigger and more exciting and we are aiming to make it the most spectacular indoor event ever seen in Gillingham.”

“At only £15 per ticket (Groups of 4 or more: £12, Children: £5) the audience will be able to enjoy such classical favourites as the The Firebird Suite, The Sorcerer’s Apprentice, 1812 Overture, Jerusalem and many more, all accompanied by an exhilarating light and sound show.”

The show starts at 7.30pm at Gillingham Methodist Church on the High Street. For further information, please call 07817 379006 or email; tickets are available from The Copy Shop on Gillingham High Street or online at:

A quote from David Briggs: “”I’m absolutely thrilled to be returning to Gillingham for my seventh concert at GMC. I’m always struck by the warmth and enthusiasm of the audience and this always makes for a very enjoyable and communicative experience. The past two Classical Fireworks have been great and I remember the atmosphere was so electric. This year I’ll be playing a similarly fun and varied program, with ample opportunity for audience participation. Last year the massed singing was incredible – it was all I could do to match the volume, even using ten fingers and both feet. I’m looking forward to ‘pulling out all the stops’ again on 1st July!”


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18 Years of Helping Businesses to Thrive

When first starting out, before starting MayCreation, we used pens and drawing boards (before iMac’s and graphics software!) giving us a solid grounding in design. This discipline helped with the process of creating ideas, crafting artwork and anticipating what works best. We’ve accrued a big pool of other expertise over the last 18 years: understanding clients’ needs in various sectors; considering          customers’ experience in print and online; typography, print and production knowledge, and juggling complex projects and deadlines.

The best thing has been working with some great clients, large and small, and seeing them thrive by helping them to tell people about their business effectively.

Locally, we’ve helped Allum & Sidaway to launch a new customer magazine to promote customer loyalty, and illustrated a lovely map for Clayesmore School, obviously, to help people find their way, but styled in keeping with the school’s history & ethos. We recently raised the profile of Garden Solutions of Blackmore Vale, creating a striking identity across van signage and stationery, driving people to their website which in turn helped cement trust and resulted in new customers.

Further afield, we helped Sonos wireless HiFi to forge its position as a market leader with digital and printed marketing material. We’ve created branding for various start ups, and in 2008 we helped Bamboo Basket launch its tasty dim sum business in Westfield Shopping Centre, London – despite a competitive market they’re still going strong today!

To celebrate our 18 years, we’re offering 18% off design work to local businesses (commissioned by 31 December 2017, conditions apply). Hopefully, we can help your local business to thrive?  Have a look at our unique work, digital and printed, and see what our clients say at, or call us on 01747 825551 for a free consultation.


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Your July 2024 issue of Gillingham & Shaftesbury Guide is available now!