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Ringing the Bright Blooming Changes

Seasonal Choice Mothers DayWhen Tracy Ring got married a couple of years ago, she may have hoped for a cosy home life with a loving husband to return to each day from her part-time job as a vet’s receptionist, (a role she loved).  After her receiving a ring on her finger, along with Ring as her surname; she also gained a step-daughter she adores and her very own floristry business “Bright Blooms”.

Pink Hand Tied Mothers Day

Still basking in the aftermath of honeymoon, it came as a shock to newlyweds Tracy and John, when John’s daughter Annie visited, with the sad news that Bright Blooms, Bell Street in Shaftesbury was being sold.  Annie had trained and worked there for 3 years gaining her Grade 3 Floristry qualification under the tutelage of Kyla Foster-Shaw, the then owner, and Kingston Maurward College. At just 20 Annie had been given a choice to buy out the business or be made redundant.

Lavender Basket Mothers Day

As with any parent, John would do anything to help his little girl, so with a sudden juggling of lives and finances he and Tracy stepped up to the mark and bought the business.  Annie became a sole trader, with stepmother Tracy overseeing and working with her, to build up their bespoke and design led florist. It is run very much as a family business, Tracy says “we help  until we can let go of the reins and let Annie fly herself.”

Diana Bouquet Motherds Day

Christmas and Valentines have been a busy time and they have now taken on Ellen part-time to help with the day to day creation of bespoke and beautiful bouquets.  They can produce flowers for all occasions including Mothering Sunday, Birthdays, Weddings, Retirement, Thank You,      funerals and sometimes just because you need cheering up. Gwyneth basket Mothers Day

Bright Blooms can deliver to a wide area and are open for collection 9.30-4pm weekdays, 9-1pm Saturdays.  As well as Annie’s bouquets; Tracy can often be seen sprinting across the high street to collect boxes of handmade chocolates to send out.  She has also developed her own side line;   Jarrah honey, as the only stockist locally, who supplies the products direct from Australia.Audrey Box Mothers Day

Tracy told us, “I have gone grey with the stress of this last year, but we are really pleased now especially with the website, now up and running at .”     She has had to draw on a lifetime of learned skills to help her step daughter in this venture.  Tracy has taken to the deliveries as it appeals to her bubbly, friendly nature, she loves the interaction and effect her flowers have on her recipients and can often be caught wiping a tear after an  emotional presentation.

Angelina Bouquet Mothers Day

A different emotion caught her the other day, the strings of ‘Bolero’ now haunt her memories every time she tells the story.  She took a useful short cut along a muddy and waterlogged country lane where she learnt first-hand about the perils of black ice as her world spun in slow motion before ending up in the hedge.    The road past Compton Chamberlain may still bear the skid marks, the Bright Blooms van still shows the dent, but not a petal of her precious cargo was damaged in her not to be repeated driving “technique”.

And what of John, although employed himself, he still finds time to pop in and help load or deliver an item, supply much needed coffee and smiling face.  I suspect when he asked Tracy to marry him, he never imagined ringing the changes in such a colourful and beautifully blooming way.

With Mothering Sunday around the corner on Sunday 26th March, Bright Blooms would like to offer 10% off any order for a mother, grandmother or step-mother ordered from them quoting “Mother 1”. Any specific requests are needed by Wednesday 22nd March.  Order a bouquet and make someone in your life very happy.


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Effective Advertising

reaching outEffective advertising reaches potential customers and informs them of your products or services. Ideally, advertising should capture the prospective customers’ attentions and entice them to use your product.

Regardless of the method, all your advertising should be clear and consistently reflect the unique positioning statement of your business.

Advertising is communication intended to inform, educate, persuade, and remind individuals of your product or businesses.

Advertising must work with other marketing tools and business elements to be successful.

Advertising must be interruptive — that is, it must make you stop thumbing through the newspaper or thinking about your day long enough to read or hear the ad.

Advertising must also be credible, unique, and memorable in order to work.

Finally, for any advertising campaign, enough money must be spent to provide a media schedule for ad frequency, the most important element for ad memorability.

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Community Christmas Meal


Christmas Collage for Blog

Christmas day 2016 again saw the culmination of a lot of hard work and incredible generosity of time, patience and money from Gillingham and the surrounding community. A large band of helpers served Christmas dinner to guests including children at Gillingham Methodist Church Hall.

Jo Harvey, with the help a team of volunteers, cajoled, coerced and co-ordinated shops, businesses, services and people of Gillingham to donate food, money and time to make Christmas Day a very special event for those who may not have enjoyed it.

Grateful thanks have to go to everyone who helped particularly these businesses, who are listed in no particular order and without all of them the day would not have been such a success:


Helpers for Christmas meal


Guests tucked into a wonderful 3 course meal with soup, turkey with all the trimmings.  To finish off there was Chocolate Cake, Carrot Cake, Pistachio Cake, Christmas pudding, Shortbread, and plenty of juice or tea and coffee to wash it all down.   They joined in with carols and Father Christmas helped to hand out presents to all.

Our thanks also go way beyond the list below.  Many volunteers popped in with bits on the day or helped decorate or clear popping in and out.  Others donated presents and food or equipment without which we could not lay on the day.   We thank all the unnamed helpers who did so much and also huge thanks to :


volunteers for christmas meal

Special Thanks to the incredible Jo Harvey who led the team to another very successful meal.

Just because Christmas has been brushed away, the planning for next year’s meal carries on behind the scenes so if  you would like to be part of this please email  and we can update you as things progress.

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Less Leads to More – at Shaftesbury Slimming World

Simming World 1In January 2016 Shaftesbury welcomed 80  brand new members to the Slimming world groups held there. 11 months on and 50 ladies and gentleman from the groups have reached their PAT; personal achievement target. PAT is chosen by the individuals themselves and once it’s achieved the membership to Slimming World becomes free for life!

Pictured are some of our winners that attend either the Tuesday evening 5.30pm or 7.30pm sessions or Friday 9.30am session at The Royal Chase Hotel Shaftesbury.  Amongst them are  Jennifer Matthews, Jemma Wellstead, Susan Neal, Heather Andrews, Tracey Park, Maureen Stranger, Celia Cundy and Audrey O’Donnell who is also a Diamond target member who has maintained her dream weight for more then 1 year.

Jennifer Matthews says the following about her journey to target. “Joining Slimming World has changed my life in so many ways.  Firstly  I’m so much healthier. I no longer take tablets for high blood pressure and high cholesterol, that is such a good thing and my GP is well impressed with me.  I had a hip replacement operation in June this year and my recovery has been amazing.  That’s because I have been able to get out and walk every day and losing nearly 3 stone has helped me to do that. I have gone down 3 dress sizes which gives me a much better choice of clothes and also has given me so much more confidence.  Going to group each week gave me the support I needed to keep going and not giving up on myself.  We are all there for the same reason, we want to lose weight, so it really makes sense to be with people who have the same goal as you.  Of course none of us could do this without the support of Charlene, our consultant .  She’s always there when you need advice and is very supportive.  Last but not least, I have made so many new friends  who I know will be life long friends.  I love Friday mornings, it’s a big part of my social life which I look forward to every week”.

Charlene the consultant for the groups says  “Groups have been so successful in the year of 2016 that we have had to change venue to bigger premises and introduce a brand new session which opens Friday 6th January at 11.30am. The Royal Chase Hotel also offer the members of the groups, a discounted swim on the group days. A token can be received from the groups. My aim is to help and support each person that walks into my groups to their chosen PAT dream weight and with these fabulous target members in group each week as well as all the other members too together we can make your weight loss dreams come true too.”

Slimming World 2

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Portraying a modern canvas for commerce

meet the neighbours 2

Constable captured Gillingham’s history on canvas but Gillingham Chamber of Commerce & Industry criss-crossed the sands of time with their recent Meet the Neighbours event at the Olive Bowl in Gillingham.  Local Businesses, local Government and local societies all joined in to welcome Chamber members from Mere,  Shaftesbury and Wilton to a showcasing of just a sample of the town’s rich and diverse business community.

Treasurer and Dorset Chef owner Rob Setchell  introduced the evening, highlighting just some of the exciting adventures Chamber are involved with:  Gillingham School 500 Anniversary events, Gillfest, Gillingham in Gear 2017, Gillingham Youth Foundation and the Lighting Festival.  Sam Woodcock from the History Society finished the evening with a slide show taking the audience through the arrival of the train up through the High Street and back to a very different thriving business community that John Constable will remember only too well.

Meet the Neighbours is an event that local Chamber groups host usually once a year.  Five different Town Chambers take advantage of this and this year it was the turn of Gillingham to host. There is no pre-set formula except that the neighbouring Chambers of Shaftesbury, Wilton, Tisbury and Mere are all invited and each group tries to send representation.    With such a rich tapestry of business history in the town it seemed right to use the historical theme to showcase the current incumbents of the business community with the old.

Jenny Trim who runs a graphic design and printing business said “it was fascinating to see the old pictures. I’ve lived here all my life and some of the buildings I do remember but found myself checking the roof of the shops by the station; they are the same as the pictures we were shown.  It was a wonderful blend of old and new.”

Andrew Wilson and his staff from the Olive Bowl laid on the most superb finger food buffet for the visitors, greeting them with their first drink ‘on the house’.  Olive Bowl staff worked hard with Chamber members to create a welcome and productive arrangement in the room allowing traders and organisations to mingle freely with visitors and each other, developing new links or strengthening old connections.  The bar remained open and the food continued to be served seamlessly tempting even the most discerning palate.

Gillingham History Society were joined by the Town Twinning Group and Rotary with tables manned by their members discussing the roles they play within the fabric of the town.  David Beaton and Simon Kidner from Gillingham Neighbourhood Plan Group were on hand to update enquirers with the current plans.  Representatives from both the Town Council and North Dorset District Council attended the event.

There was a varied and eclectic mix of businesses showing the diverse nature of this small but still thriving town.   Representatives from Portmore Insurance, Octopus Personnel and Southern Tank Services mingled with Jennifer Trim – Design and Print, Neal’s Yard Remedies Consultant, Gillingham and Shaftesbury Guide, East West Design together with new businesses: Stephen O’Keefe – Sports Massage and Gillingham Chiropractor replace the old industries such as the glue factory and royally appointed bacon factory of former years.  While more established old master firms such as Farnfields, Cullingfords and Andrews and Palmer bridged the gap between old and new commerce.

meet the neighbours 1

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Get Fit With Gillingham Ladies Football

gill ladiesGillingham Ladies are currently 5 games into their second season in the Dorset Women’s League. The team train on Tuesday evenings at Kington Magna from  6:30pm until 8:00pm.

The club are always looking for new ladies aged 16 and over of any ability to join the team, everyone is welcome! The ladies gill ladies 2have a new support team this season in Coach Les Chinyou and Manager Tim Simmonds.

The ladies recently enjoyed a training session with Yeovil Town Ladies player Helen Bleazard who have recently won the league and have been promoted to the FA Women’s Super League 1. The ladies have recently received a new training kit thanks to sponsor David Rhodes Landscaping & Property Maintenance!

Gillingham ladies are a fun and friendly team who love the game and are looking forward to improving throughout the rest of the season! if you would like any more information please contact Manager Tim by email-gill ladies 23   or find the team on Facebook!


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The animals went in ….. by jigsaw!

gordon 2Gordon Amery, organist at Gillingham Methodist Church, has recently completed an 18,000 piece jigsaw in aid of church funds.  “I’ve always enjoyed doing jigsaws, especially at Christmas when it’s a real pleasure to do a 1,000 piece jigsaw with the time to complete it.  However, I wasn’t prepared for the surprise when I was given a gift of an 18,000 piece jigsaw entitled ‘At the Watering Hole’.  I didn’t know such big jigsaws even existed!  How did I start?  A big relief was to find that the jigsaw was in four sections, each of 4,500 pieces, since doing a complete 18,000 piece all in one go would have been too daunting.  Each section took about 6 weeks with a break before starting the next section (to stay sane) and the whole project took around 9 months to complete.

The Methodist Church kindly allowed me to use its space to join the four sections together, Gordon 1making a finished jigsaw of 3m x 2m.  Church members came to the ‘unveiling’ (with coffee and cake!) and we raised £33 for church funds.
Gordon says he now has his eye on a 32,000 piece puzzle…watch this space!


gordon 3

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To Boldly Go

rosie 3

Well I don’t expect an application to join NASA to be forthcoming anytime soon, but I did survive my flying weightless experience in Chicago! There were only 12 wannabee astronauts on this flight when 36 is the usual number, so much more room to try  forward, backward and even sideways somersaults plus handsprings and other Gymnastic manoeuvres!

Somewhere over Lake Michigan we initially experienced Martian Gravity (50% bodyweight) then Lunar Gravity (30%) making Press-ups really easy. Once we got to Zero Gravity for the first time Boof! ….. it was straight up to the ceiling! Being weightless for 30 seconds at a time is the most bizarre feeling ever as you adjust to trying to control not only your body but also your stomach which seems to be spinning in different directions to the rest of you (and yes the receptacle in my right hand was required, so I now have something in common with Tom Hanks who used this aircraft while preparing for the Apollo 13 film)

Rosie 2

Beforehand I hadn’t really thought about the 10,000 foot dive before each climb – that was pretty scary and loud so all in all I was quite relieved to walk on airport tarmac after my 3 hour flight. To mark joining the weightless club the name badge on my suit was ceremonially turned the right way up, and I was allowed to keep my flight suit!

As well as the challenge I’m raising money for the Andrew Simpson Sailing Foundation and will be most grateful if you feel you can donate online:                                           

rosie 1

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Queens 90th Birthday Competition

Harry and Archie 1

As part of our celebrations to mark the Queen’s 90th birthday, the churches in the Shaftesbury Team Ministry launched a poetry competition open to anyone in Year Six or below.

Children were invited to write a poem about the Queen’s birthday, celebrating her life of    service and her dedication to the people of this country. There was a prize for the winning poem and it was read in public during the service of thanksgiving held in Shaftesbury Abbey ruins on 12th June.

Shaftesbury Town Silver Band and Shaftesbury Community Choir led the singing of favourite hymns and there was a variety of readings – including the prize-winning poem – as well as prayers of thanksgiving and activities for children.

Harry and Archie 2

Harry and Archie from year 6 Abbey School won the competition


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To the Edge of Space …….. sort of!

We love following the adventures and fundraising antics of the lovely Rosie Thompson from Gillingham School.   This is her latest exciting escapade.   Please support her if you can Rosie Thompson CNTowerEdgeWalk-

Last year I wrote about my latest challenge of experiencing weightlessness flying out of New York. 10 days before I was due to fly I received notification that my flight was cancelled due to the aircraft being grounded as it required modifications. I still visited the Big Apple but vowed to try again so this year  I’ll be flying out of Chicago, a city I’ve always wanted to visit and will be ascending a few of those high towers too as well as watching the Cubs play baseball! Once again I will be flying with a registered company in the USA who have already enabled 15,000 people to do something usually reserved for astronauts. A specially modified Boeing 727, flies a series of 15 parabolic manoevers up to 32000 feet, each one creating 20-30 seconds of weightlessness allowing numpties like me to float, flip and soar as if in space. There is a 40% chance I’ll lose my breakfast – it’s not called the “vomit comet” for nothing!

Rosie graph

The charity I have chosen to support is the Andrew Simpson Sailing Foundation. This was set up in 2013 to honour the life and legacy of Andrew “Bart” Simpson MBE, Olympic Gold and Silver medallist, Americas Cup sailor and truly inspirational role modRosie & andrewel. Bart was Guest speaker at our School Sports Awards Evening in 2009 and my memories of that evening include passing his Beijing Gold medal round the room so all 400+ students, staff and parents could see the most prestigious prize in sport up close: he also showed such a genuine interest in the achievements of every student who asked for an autograph. It is the aim of the foundation to use Bart’s passion of sailing to transform the lives of young people. Bart’s other passion was his family, and far too many years ago it was my pleasure to teach his wife, Leah, now a Primary School colleague so there is a personal connection too. Finally GillinghamRosie bart logo School where I have taught for 29 years is celebrating its 500th anniversary this year so this is my own way of marking such a uniquely special event. Donations can be made at:


Finally, I recently lent a much treasured “Concorde” umbrella to a neighbour during a recent downpour bit sadly it was mislaid in Gillingham Town. I used it while doing tours around Alpha Foxtrot at Bristol when I was a volunteer guide, and it is irreplaceable. I believe in the honesty of the good people of this area and would like to think the person who found it is at a loss as to how to return it, so I am pledging £100 to my fund for its safe return. No questions will be asked and it can be returned to Main Reception at Gillingham School, Hardings Lane. Many thanks.

Rosie Thompson wing walk

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